Gregor Roschkowski
manager (jwg1) since 2018
Representing DIN, Germany
Gregor Roschkowski was born 1979 in Berlin (East Germany). He worked as a plant technician at Siemens before he started to study Information- and Datamanagement from 2006 to 2010 at the University of applied sciences in Potsdam. After his studies he worked seven years as an information professional in the field of bibliographic references on standards and technical regulations at DITR (German Information Centre on Technical Rules and Regulations) which is associated to DIN Software GmbH. There he also maintained the WTO TBT National Enquiry Point Germany.
Since 2017 he is staff member of the DIN Technical group IT and IT Security. As a project manager he is responsible for the DIN Standards Committee Information and Documentation (NID) and partially for the DIN Standards Committee Information Technology and Applications (NIA).
He coordinates the national mirror work for the following corresponding ISO and CEN/TC’s:
ISO/TC 46 Information and Documentation
ISO/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration
ISO/TC 171 Document management applications
CEN/TC 434 Electronic Invoicing
CEN/TC 440 Electronic Public Procurement
CEN/TC 461 Public Procurement
Since 2018 he is secretary of ISO/TC 154/JWG 1.
In this role he succeeds Bernd Bösler, who was Secretary of JWG 1 from 1998-2008.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregor-roschkowski